So, after months of inactiveness, I am back.
It's been a very weird journey of mine since I last updated this very page, and by weird, I don't mean negative at all. Just a great deal of things happened so I don't have the courage to face my website.
I have been extremely lazy. Extremely. And I even did not write anything or update my website about my exhibition. And I have not taken as many photos as I should over the past few months. Although there are some good shoots that I have been doing commercially and for other private clients, they aren't many personal works/ projects as it should. I just spent most of the time doing something that is not related to my creative works, and now, as the year's coming to an end, I feel extremely bad about it.
Perhaps you might be thinking, 'Oh this must be one of those year end blog where people say they are going to change this and that and end up changing nothing'...NO, not this time I am sure. Tonight as I was hving dinner with an old friend that we haven't spoke to for ages, I realised how much he and other people have improved drastically while I am still standing more or less at the same place. Well, how fucking terrible is this?! Seriously...there are a list of things that I wanted to do, but I am too lazy or too scared to get my shitty life together and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN FOR MYSELF.
So for the coming few days I will update my website, putting some new stuffs that I have been doing. I also organised some photoshoots and hopefully this can get my creativity flow going again.
See you soon.
In the next blog I want to talk about some of the gear related stuffs. See you soon world!
Remember to stay happy, coz this is how it supposed to be