Here I am. On the other side of the world.
It's strange, right? I got on the plane at 4pm on the 3rd of Feb; stopped a few hours in Tokyo; then now it's only 10pm on the 3rd of Feb in San Francisco. Time is funny bastard.
San Francisco Airport
Outside the airport in San Francisco
I arrived at the afternoon, took me a while to get to downtown San Fran. The BART train looks very interesting to me, like something futuristic but at the same time nostalgic. I felt like this is something how someone would imagine the future would be like back in the 80s, then design something according to their imagination, and ended up having this strange mixture of old and new.
BART train
Memory of the Future- BART Train
Got to admit there are quite a lot of 'strange people' on the stations. They are usually in their late 50s to mid 60s, looking a bit rough, and most of them talk to themselves, mumbling. Felt like London, but a bit more dangerous.
Anyway. Jet lag sucks. I feel like my head is in two places now.